Yemen Post Staff
Hundreds of the southern movement supporters rallied peacefully in the streets of Maifah of Sabwa province on Friday demanding the release of Hassan Ba-Oum, his son and Hassan Zaid Bin-Yahya.
A participant in the protest told the Yemen Post: “We demand the release of the leader Ba-Oum, his son, and Bin-Yahya."
Police estimated the size of the rally to be 100 but participants said it was more than twice that size. There were no arrests.
Some troops are reported to have been placed on standby to deal with this peaceful mobilization. Authorities announced that it had set up a special “war room” to monitor the resurgent protests.
Observers say that the southern movement leaders are not going to be satisfied until they have equivalent privileges.
Two years later, retired members of the military force from the south demanded more income, and complained of authorities' inequity, and 15 years after Ali Salem Al-Baidh's silence in exiled he returned to lead the secessionists form Germany in April 2009.
Yemen Post Staff
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